Tuesday, August 11, 2015

1 Nephi, Chapter 6

1) And now I, Nephi, do not give the full genealogy of my fathers in this record, and by full genealogy I mean just the male line, for as I have spoken only a computer database can keep track of all my ancestors, but a lengthy list of my male ancestors from which I inherited my Y-Chromosome is indeed possible.

2) And it sufficeth me to say that we are descendants of Joseph through the male line. We are descendants of many other important historical figures as well, but there's something specific about the name Joseph that captures all my attention. I don't know exactly what it is about that particular name.

3) And it mattereth not who my female ancestors are, or my male ancestors through my female lines, for girls are in truth insignificant creatures, however useful for reproduction.

4) And verily, I will not provide my male-only lineage here because it is recorded in the lost 116 pages, and to be honest I can't quite remember it exactly, for I did invent many original names, and if the 116 pages are ever found it will be exceedingly embarrassing that I did not remember the exact lineage.  For behold, this whole account is a subjective retelling of my father Lehi's story, and I avoid details that would be damning to the legitimacy of this work.

5) So instead I shall write the things of God, which are subjective and sufficiently vague in order to justify a wide variety of interpretation.

6) Wherefore, I do this that I might make a profit in the sales of this book, for I shall not occupy these plates with things which are not of sufficient worth unto the people of the Burned Over District as to not cause them to give me money, that I might rise from my indigent circumstances.

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